27 June 1988 Modular Scintillation Cameras: A Progress Report
J. N. Aarsvold, H. H. Barrett, J. Chen, A. L. Landesman, T. D. Milster, D. D. Patton, T. J. Roney, R. K. Rowe, R. H. Seacat III, L. M. Strimbu
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Modular scintillation cameras are gamma cameras with relatively small crystal faces, a small number of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), and independent processing electronics. Our prototypical module has a 10 cm square crystal face, four PMTs, and digital processing electronics. Scintillation event information is transferred to images by mapping digitized PMT response combinations to optimal position estimates of event locations. In our prototype, a look-up table is used to perform this mapping. To encode scintillation event information more effectively, we use nonlinear compression of each of the PMT signals. Also introduced are logarithmic matched filtering and likelihood windowing, two processing techniques that result from exploitations of the Poisson model of the distribution of photopeak events. Logarithmic matched filtering is a method of obtaining estimates of mean detector response functions having greater accuracy than that indicated by the digitization of the PMT responses. Likelihood windowing is the utilization of a likelihood threshold, rather than the familiar energy window, as a discriminant of photopeak and scatter events. We have implemented each of the above on our prototypical module. Performance characteristics of this module include energy resolution of 10% full width at half maximum (FWHM) at 140 keV and spatial resolution of better than 4mm FWHM over 90% of the crystal.
© (1988) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
J. N. Aarsvold, H. H. Barrett, J. Chen, A. L. Landesman, T. D. Milster, D. D. Patton, T. J. Roney, R. K. Rowe, R. H. Seacat III, and L. M. Strimbu "Modular Scintillation Cameras: A Progress Report", Proc. SPIE 0914, Medical Imaging II, (27 June 1988); Logo
Cited by 26 scholarly publications.
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Medical imaging


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