23 February 1989 A Data Base System To Enhance Exploitation Effectiveness And Productivity
Lee Eisman
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The ever expanding uses of remote sensing continue to drive requirements in industry, Government, and the military for an imagery data base and processing system that provides timely, flexible support to imagery analysts and yet is simple to use. This paper describes a system called the Digital Enhancement Data Base System (DEDS) that allows real-time image processing, storage, display, and enhancement of multisensor imagery, charts, and textual data. It is an imagery analyst's interactive "shoe box" that can replace hundreds of pounds of hardcopy imagery and collateral information by storing that data in digital, video, and analog forms. The system contains a graphics package that allows annotation of the data to be stored. A split-screen display feature allows side-by-side comparison of new imagery or data with collateral information retrieved from the data base. Futhermore, information in the data base can be recalled and distributed via local wide-area communications networks. The complete system is designed to operate within ruggedized, transportable cases.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lee Eisman "A Data Base System To Enhance Exploitation Effectiveness And Productivity", Proc. SPIE 0979, Airborne Reconnaissance XII, (23 February 1989);
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Image analysis

Image processing

Data storage


Image display


Airborne reconnaissance


A Multimodality Image Display And Image Processing System
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 1985)
The Digital Enhancement Database
Proceedings of SPIE (February 01 1990)
Measuring From Lorop: Tweaking The System
Proceedings of SPIE (February 19 1988)

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