10 March 1989 Helpmate: A Mobile Robot For Transport Applications
Bala Krishnamurthy, Bruce Barrows, Steve King, Tim Stewis, Will Pong, Carl Weiman
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Proceedings Volume 1007, Mobile Robots III; (1989)
Event: 1988 Cambridge Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1988, Boston, MA, United States
HelpMate is a mobile robotic materials transport system that performs fetch and carry tasks at Danbury Hospital. It navigates along the main arteries of the hospital, crossing between buildings via interconnecting corridors and uses infrared communication links to communicate with the elevator controller. HelpMate has been designed to work safely around humans, smoothly rerouting its local path to avoid obstacles while maintaining its mission. Safety features include both non-contact and contact obstacle sensing, emergency stop switches, auto/manual mode switches, flashing warning lights, turn indicators, and a failsafe controls design. HelpMate uses odometry, sonar and infrared proximity sensors, and vision as navigation inputs. An onboard card reader provides authorized personnel access to run time control and cargo transfer. Sensor information collected en route is used to build and maintain local navigation maps. A general knowledge of the structured properties of the world is assumed, and used both in collecting and rationalizing the sensor information and updating the robot's local knowledge base. All navigation and path planning is conducted under the direction of onboard processors.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bala Krishnamurthy, Bruce Barrows, Steve King, Tim Stewis, Will Pong, and Carl Weiman "Helpmate: A Mobile Robot For Transport Applications", Proc. SPIE 1007, Mobile Robots III, (10 March 1989); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Control systems

Mobile robots

Infrared sensors

Navigation systems

Infrared radiation



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