This study introduces a 3D lenticular system and its fabrication method operating with liquids. The lenses of the lenticular system consists of two immiscible liquids requiring a good uniformity of their amount. The amount is controlled by an opened structures fabricated by silicon KOH etching process. For the fabrication, a low pressure silicon nitride (LSN) is deposited on a bare <1 0 0> silicon wafer followed by a photolithography and a reactive ion etching (RIE) remaining a 200nm LSN layer. A KOH etching process is done for 2 hours with a KOH solution of 40wt% in deionized water. To fabricate the opened structure, a time controlling is required not to be fully etched. The finalized silicon wafer is sputtered by a copper layer as a seed layer for an electroplating. By the electroplating with nickel, a master mold is made. To get the high transparency, poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) is chosen for the substrate and a hot embossing process is done by fabricated nickel mold with PMMA. The PMMA is coated by gold as an electrode and parylene C and Teflon multi-layer as dielectric layers. For two immiscible liquids, deionized water and a mixture of dodecane and 1-Chloronaphthalene are used. The dosing process is done in underwater environment and the mixed oil is dosed uniformly as the oil has tendency to spread onto the substrate. After sealing the active liquid lenticular devices is fabricated and good uniformity is achieved.