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3 May 2017 Low-noise readout circuit for SWIR focal plane arrays
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This paper reports a 640x512 SWIR ROIC with 15um pixel pitch that is designed and fabricated using 0.18um CMOS process. Main challenge of SWIR ROIC design is related to input circuit due to pixel area and noise limitations. In this design, CTIA with single stage amplifier is utilized as input stage. The pixel design has three pixel gain options; High Gain (HG), Medium Gain (MG), and Low Gain (LG) with corresponding Full-Well-Capacities of 18.7ké, 190ké and 1.56Mé, respectively. According to extracted simulation results, 5.9é noise is achieved at HG mode and 200é is achieved at LG mode of operation. The ROIC can be programmed through an SPI interface. It supports 1, 2 and 4 output modes which enables the user to configure the detector to work at 30, 60 and 120fps frame rates. In the 4 output mode, the total power consumption of the ROIC is less than 120mW. The ROIC is powered from a 3.3V analog supply and allows for an output swing range in excess of 2V. Anti-blooming feature is added to prevent any unwanted blooming effect during readout.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Oguz Altun, Ferhat Tasdemir, Omer Lutfi Nuzumlali, Reha Kepenek, Ercihan Inceturkmen, Fatih Akyurek, Can Tunca, and Mehmet Akbulut "Low-noise readout circuit for SWIR focal plane arrays", Proc. SPIE 10177, Infrared Technology and Applications XLIII, 1017707 (3 May 2017); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Readout integrated circuits

Short wave infrared radiation



Signal to noise ratio

Indium gallium arsenide


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