Presentation + Paper
2 May 2017 Multi-sensor field trials for detection and tracking of multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles flying at low altitude
Martin Laurenzis, Sebastien Hengy, Alexander Hommes, Frank Kloeppel, Alex Shoykhetbrod, Thomas Geibig, Winfried Johannes, Pierre Naz, Frank Christnacher
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Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flying at low altitude are becoming more and more a serious threat in civilian and military scenarios. In recent past, numerous incidents have been reported where small UAV were flying in security areas leading to serious danger to public safety or privacy. The detection and tracking of small UAV is a widely discussed topic. Especially, small UAV flying at low altitude in urban environment or near background structures and the detection of multiple UAV at the same time is challenging. Field trials were carried out to investigate the detection and tracking of multiple UAV flying at low altitude with state of the art detection technologies. Here, we present results which were achieved using a heterogeneous sensor network consisting of acoustic antennas, small frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) RADAR systems and optical sensors. While acoustics, RADAR and LiDAR were applied to monitor a wide azimuthal area (360◦) and to simultaneously track multiple UAV, optical sensors were used for sequential identification with a very narrow field of view.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Martin Laurenzis, Sebastien Hengy, Alexander Hommes, Frank Kloeppel, Alex Shoykhetbrod, Thomas Geibig, Winfried Johannes, Pierre Naz, and Frank Christnacher "Multi-sensor field trials for detection and tracking of multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles flying at low altitude", Proc. SPIE 10200, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, 102001A (2 May 2017); Logo
Cited by 15 scholarly publications and 5 patents.
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Unmanned aerial vehicles




Doppler effect


Target detection

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