8 March 2017 Study of large-scale terrain three-dimensional visualization in optoelectronic detection
Qiang Gao, Wentao Jiang, Ming Ji, Lan Pang, Xuezhi An, Zheng Zhang, Weidong Huang, Qinglin Zhao, Hui Li
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Proceedings Volume 10255, Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016; 102554A (2017)
Event: Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016, 2016, Jinhua, Suzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an, Wuxi, China
Introduces the image and spatial data fusion in photoelectric detection application. Focus on the optimization of 3D scene reconstruction. In airborne imaging applications, aiming at the problems of massive terrain data, this paper proposed a dynamic data scheduling strategy which is based on state-tree from simplification, and present a terrain data dynamic schedule framework from render optimization. For the suggested optimized procedure and framwork, give a experiment and couclusion based on programmimg, it prove that the suggested dynamic schedule strategy in this paper could fastly construct three-dimensional scene in flight simulation, could speed up the three-dimensional visulization, it could meet the practical requiremnet of engineering in flight simulation.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qiang Gao, Wentao Jiang, Ming Ji, Lan Pang, Xuezhi An, Zheng Zhang, Weidong Huang, Qinglin Zhao, and Hui Li "Study of large-scale terrain three-dimensional visualization in optoelectronic detection", Proc. SPIE 10255, Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016, 102554A (8 March 2017); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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3D modeling

3D image processing

Data modeling

Associative arrays

Data communications

Data fusion


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