Presentation + Paper
4 May 2018 High-energy wavelength tunable dual-channel Tm:YLF laser
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A dual channel high energy solid state laser using intracavity volume Bragg gratings is presented. CW operation showed a maximum output power of 5.7 W with a slope efficiency of 48%. Implementation of a Cr:ZnSe saturable absorber with 80% transmission achieved q-switching regime with 160 ns long pulses and combined energy of 4 mJ. Each channel had less than 1 nm spectral width in the range between 1880 and 1908 nm. The spectral difference between the two channels was tuned from 5 to 20 nm, corresponding to 0.4 to 1.7 THz, providing an alternative method for generating narrowband terahertz radiation.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Evan R. Hale, Ivan Divliansky, and Leonid Glebov "High-energy wavelength tunable dual-channel Tm:YLF laser", Proc. SPIE 10637, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XIV, 106370J (4 May 2018);
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Terahertz radiation

Volume Bragg gratings

Tunable lasers

Continuous wave operation



Q switching


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