The need for continuous monitoring of key clinical parameters in hospitals is well recognized. Figure 1 shows typical time constants for blood gases, ions and enzymes in response to acute ventilatory changes and interventions. Although it can be seen that relatively low rates of data collection are necessary for many medical measurements, it is also clear that intermittent measurement of P02, PCO2 and pH are not sufficient to provide safe and effective management of the patient. Very frequent or continuous monitoring is often essential. This figure also shows why the emphasis of a large number of research efforts in this country and in Europe and Japan have as their goal the development of continuous blood gas sensors, i.e., sensors that continuously monitor blood pH, partial pressure of oxygen and partial pressure of carbon dioxide. These are three (3) of the most frequent parameters measured in hospitals and the ones having the shortest time constant. Considering that in the United States alone close to 25 million blood gas samples per year are taken from patients, the potential market for continuous monitoring sensors is enormous. The emergence of microelectronics and microfabrication technologies over the past 30 years are now pointing to a possible resolution of the well recognized need for real time monitoring of critically ill patients through catheter-based sensors. Although physicians will always prefer non-invasive monitoring techniques, there are a number of parameters that presently can only be monitored by invasive method. The emerging ability to miniaturize chemical sensors using silicon microfabrication or fiber-optic techniques offer an excellent opportunity to solve this need. In fact, the development of in vivo biomedical sensors with satisfactory performance characteristics has long been considered the ultimate application of these emerging technologies.