29 March 1989 Boundaries As Unpredictable Discontinuities
Richard J. Gleeson, Josef Skrzypek
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A large part of the information content of an image is conveyed by the location of pixels that determine the boundaries between different segments. In absence of prior knowledge about objects in the scene, it is impossible to predict where the edges will occur. The gray levels at locations away from boundaries are often highly correlated. They can be estimated from the values of nearby locations using assumptions based on our knowledge of the physical laws governing reflections from surfaces. Boundaries occur at points of essentially infinite variation. At these points corresponding gray levels result from summing energy reflected by two different regions and cannot be easily estimated from the values at nearby pixels. In this sense gray level values at discontinuities are less predictable.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard J. Gleeson and Josef Skrzypek "Boundaries As Unpredictable Discontinuities", Proc. SPIE 1076, Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface II, (29 March 1989); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Edge detection

Error analysis

Image understanding

Detection and tracking algorithms


Image processing

Image segmentation


Using physical color models in 3-D machine vision
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1990)
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Image registration based on geometric pattern matching
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Using color to segment images of 3-D scenes
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 1991)

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