18 September 2018 Two-stage photoluminescence conversion for two-dimensional position sensing
Yasuhiro Tsutsumi, Masamichi Ohta, Takamasa Kohmoto, Ryo Matsumura, Ichiro Fujieda
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We have demonstrated one-dimensional position sensing based on red-shift of photoluminescence (PL) spectra. This technology can be extended to two-dimension by the two-stage PL conversion technique described here. A planar waveguide contains a first luminophore to convert an incoming radiation to PL photons. A linear waveguide contains a second luminophore and two of them sandwich the planar waveguide such that the second luminophore absorbs the PL photons emitted by the first luminophore. Spectral analysis of the PL photons exiting the two linear waveguides gives the coordinate of the incident position along the direction of the linear waveguide. The coordinate perpendicular to this direction is determined by comparing the PL intensities propagating in the two linear waveguides. This is analogous to the charge division principle utilized in a position-sensitive proportional counter as well as a tetra-lateral semiconductor detector. In the current case, we are dividing the PL photons emitted by the first luminophore to the two light-sensitive regions facing to each other. The use of optical fibers allows one to build optical sensors without electric components at the sensing sites. Based on this technology, a robust large-scale radiation monitoring system might be constructed. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we fabricated a 50 × 50 × 8 mm sensor head using coumarin6 as a green emitter and Lumogen F Red 305 as a red emitter. The maximum error for estimating the incident spots in the upper-left 20 × 20 mm region of the sensor head was 1.5mm.
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Yasuhiro Tsutsumi, Masamichi Ohta, Takamasa Kohmoto, Ryo Matsumura, and Ichiro Fujieda "Two-stage photoluminescence conversion for two-dimensional position sensing", Proc. SPIE 10768, Imaging Spectrometry XXII: Applications, Sensors, and Processing, 107680O (18 September 2018); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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