6 November 2018 Single-photon storage and retrieval in a solid-state atomic ensemble (Conference Presentation)
Kumel H. Kagalwala, Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, Sergey V. Polyakov, Alan L. Migdall
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Atomic ensembles in the form of rare-earth-doped crystals offer significant potential for implementing a quantum memory due to their long coherence lifetimes, enhanced light-matter interaction, and the potential for integration. We use a double Lambda configuration based on hyperfine levels in praseodymium doped yttrium orthosilicate. In this scheme, a probabilistically generated collective excitation of the internal atomic states in the form of a spin-wave is signaled by emission of a Stokes-shifted herald photon via spontaneous Raman scattering. After a storage delay, a read field addresses the appropriate transition, mapping the spin wave back to a photon, resulting in the emission of an anti-Stokes shifted retrieved photon. Momentum conservation, as dictated by phase-matching conditions, ensure that the herald and retrieved photons are emitted in a well-defined spatial modes relative to the co-propagating write and read optical fields. Inhomogeneous broadening of the absorption profile precludes straightforward implementation of the above scheme, and we resort to spectral hole-burning techniques to prepare a sub-ensemble of atoms with a narrow range of optical transition energy in the ground state. Using a second identical crystal, we also implement an optical spectral filter that suppresses the powerful write and read beams, and spontaneous-emission noise, while transmitting the herald and retrieved photons. We report on the second-order optical correlations between the herald and retrieved photons that are the signature of generation and retrieval of a stored spin-wave excitation. Demonstration of such a quantum memory is an enabling step towards distributing entanglement for a quantum repeater scheme.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kumel H. Kagalwala, Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, Sergey V. Polyakov, and Alan L. Migdall "Single-photon storage and retrieval in a solid-state atomic ensemble (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 10771, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVI, 107710B (6 November 2018);
Solid state physics


Quantum memory


Chemical species

Hole burning spectroscopy

Light-matter interactions


Broadband impedance matching in white cavity
Proceedings of SPIE (March 15 2019)
Solid state qubit quantum state tomography
Proceedings of SPIE (January 29 2008)
FAR IR And Surface Layers (Review)
Proceedings of SPIE (November 18 1989)
Rare-earth-based quantum memories
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 2003)

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