18 September 2018 Providing variable levels of security in quantum cryptography
Abhishek Parakh
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Quantum cryptography provides perfect secrecy if the key exchanged is used for one-time-pad encryption. However, this requires very long keys which are not practical in most scenarios. Further, the key exchange bit-rate for quantum key distribution is very low. Consequently, often quantum key distribution algorithms only exchange (128, 192 or 256 bit) AES keys and then AES is used for data encryption. While Grover's algorithm will force us to only use AES- 256 and does not pose a catastrophic failure to AES, AES does not provide provable security. In this paper, we discuss methods that provide provable security but at the same time the key lengths may be controlled to practical levels. Difficulty of breaking the cipher is directly proportional to the key length and depends on the specific algorithm employed. The key idea is that key lengths can be tweaked such that an acceptable and provable level of security is achieved and therefore the cipher is not reliant on any assumptions for security. The paper will discuss different ways of achieving the above goal.
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Abhishek Parakh "Providing variable levels of security in quantum cryptography", Proc. SPIE 10771, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVI, 107710R (18 September 2018); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Computer security

Quantum key distribution

Information security

Quantum cryptography


Quantum computing

Computing systems


A quantum oblivious transfer protocol
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Variable word length: a quantum-proof encryption solution
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