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Attollo has developed large area low capacitance InGaAs detectors to meet the needs of LiDAR systems following the roadmap of technology development at the near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths of 850/905/940 nm with the eventual transition to eye-safe wavelengths near 1550 nm. Attollo InGaAs offers large photodetector areas while still meeting the bandwidth limitations of the amplified detection system. Large area photodetectors enable a large system Field of View (FOV) with a simpler and larger diameter lens and also provide lower input-referred noise from optimized transimpedance amplifier systems. Attollo will present results on InGaAs detectors achieving capacitance densities 3x lower than state-of-the-art with 16 pF/mm2. Attollo will present LiDAR receiver modeling data utilizing these detectors and will quantify the advantages of low capacitance in LIDAR applications as it relates to system bandwidth and amplifier input referred noise performance of the system.
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Jon Geske, Andrew Hood, Jeremy Thomas, Michael MacDougal, "Low-capacitance InGaAs detectors for high-speed, wide field-of-view sensing applications," Proc. SPIE 11002, Infrared Technology and Applications XLV, 1100214 (7 May 2019);