9 September 2019 First results of the 4-fiber upgrade of the high-resolution comb calibrated spectrograph FOCES
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FOCES is a highly stabilized high-resolution optical Échelle spectrograph operated with the 2m telescope at the Wendelstein Observatory. After an extensive temperature- and pressure-stabilization upgrade, reaching the m/s-level, we now focus on the wavelength calibration process. Due to our latest improvements, we are able to perform simultaneous wavelength calibration using our new 4-_ber-slit assembly. This allows us to couple the spectrum of a star and light from a ThAr/UNe hollow cathode lamp or our frequency comb_ at the same time into the spectrograph. We present the design, production process and performance of this new multi-fiber assembly and also evaluate the stability as a test for the upcoming high precision radial velocity measurements in search of exoplanets.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hanna Kellermann, Liang Wang, Vanessa Fahrenschon, Frank Grupp, Ulrich Hopp, and Ralf Bender "First results of the 4-fiber upgrade of the high-resolution comb calibrated spectrograph FOCES", Proc. SPIE 11117, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX, 111171O (9 September 2019);
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CCD cameras

Frequency combs


Optical fibers

Spectral calibration

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