30 March 2020 Time-bin multiplexed differential phase shift quantum key distribution (Conference Presentation)
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We present an experimental demonstration of the 4-state differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution (4S-DPS-QKD) over a 30 km quantum channel with two different approaches, namely path superposition and time-bin superposition. 4S-DPS-QKD offers enhanced security compared to the pulse-train DPS-QKD against individual attacks. We show that the key generation efficiency, and security, improve with an increase in the number of path delays or time bin superpositions. Our implementation establishes an ease in implementation of the time-bin superposition approach, over the path superposition approach. The sender (Alice) uses a photon in a superposition state, corresponding to either 3 spatial paths or temporal bins. In the temporal case, Alice uses a weak coherent source (WCS) with a pulse width of 3 ns, that we interpret as a single wave packet comprising of three time-bins of 1 ns each.. Alice encodes her random key bit [0,1] as a random phase [0,pi] between |a> and |b>, and |b> and |c>, i.e. successive paths or time bins of the WCS, with mean photon number < n>=0.1, and pulse widths of 0.5 ns. The phase encoded bits are then transmitted over a single mode optical fibre. Both path and timb-bin implementations follow similar setups beyond the transmitter. At the receiver, a delay line interferometer (DLI) introduces a delay of 1 ns, measures < a|b> and< b|c>, and recovers the phase introduced by Alice as a detection at one of the 2 output ports of the DLI with a time resolution of 50 ps using a time-to-digital convertor (TDC). Our experiments have yielded a QBER of 21% for path superposition and 17% for time-bin superposition. We thus establish the equivalence of the two approaches, and note that the time-bin approach is easily extended to more than 3 time-bins, and an increased secure key rate.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anil Prabhakar, Gautam K. Shaw, Shyam Sridharan, Foram Shingala, Prabha Mandyam, and Shashank K. Ranu "Time-bin multiplexed differential phase shift quantum key distribution (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 11347, Quantum Technologies 2020, 113471A (30 March 2020);

Quantum key distribution


Phase shifts



Picosecond phenomena

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