27 November 1989 The Sputter Deposition Of Metal Multilayers
R. E. Somekh, W. C. Shih, K. Dyrbye, K. H. Huang, C. S. Baxter
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We consider several different types of sputtered metal multilayers from a materials science point of view. By studying different classes of multilayer (single crystal, microcrystalline and amorphous) we aim to show that a broad insight into the relationship of the sputtering conditions to the microstructural features and properties of the multilayers can be developed. Our major objective is to establish the way features of the layers on an atomic scale relate to the sputter deposition conditions and the mobility of the atoms as they are deposited. A number of multilayers are discussed which range over many types of atomic order: from the perfect single crystal multilayers of Cu/Ni and Nb/Ta, through microcrystalline structures of Ti/W to the mixed multilayer of amorphous Si with microcrystalline W and finally the fully amorphous multilayer of NiZr/NiHf. By looking at a series of fundamentally different multilayers all made in the same deposition systems it is hoped to eliminate the problem of deposition system dependent parameters such as base pressures and degrees of control. The main conclusion is that whilst single crystal multilayers rely on thermal energy to maintain flatness, amorphous and microcrystalline multilayers benefit enormously from bombardment by ions and atoms with energies in the region of 30-50eV.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. E. Somekh, W. C. Shih, K. Dyrbye, K. H. Huang, and C. S. Baxter "The Sputter Deposition Of Metal Multilayers", Proc. SPIE 1140, X-Ray Instrumentation in Medicine and Biology, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, and Synchrotron Radiation, (27 November 1989); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Sputter deposition

Chemical species


Transmission electron microscopy


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