Poster + Paper
13 December 2020 The SOXS data-reduction pipeline
David R. Young, Marco Landoni, Stephen J. Smartt, Sergio Campana, Riccardo Claudi, Pietro Schipani, Matteo Aliverti, Andrea Baruffolo, Sagi Ben-Ami, Federico Biondi, Giulio Capasso, Rosario Cosentino, Francesco D'Alessio, Paolo D'Avanzo, Ofir Hershko, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Matteo Munari, Giuliano Pignata, Adam Rubin, Salvatore Scuderi, Fabrizio Vitali, Jani Achrén, José Antonio Araiza-Duran, Iair Arcavi, Anna Brucalassi, Rachel Bruch, Enrico Cappellaro, Mirko Colapietro, Massimo Della Valle, Marco De Pascale, Rosario Di Benedetto, Sergio D'Orsi, Avishay Gal-Yam, Matteo Genoni, Marcos Hernandez, Jari Kotilainen, Gianluca Li Causi, Seppo Mattila, Michael Rappaport, Kalyan Radhakrishnan, Davide Ricci, Marco Riva, Bernardo Salasnich, Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, Maximilian Stritzinger, Héctor Ventura
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The Son-Of-X-shooter (SOXS) is a dual arm spectrograph (UV-VIS and NIR) and Acquisition Camera (AC) due to mounted on the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 3.6m New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla. Designed to simultaneously cover the optical and NIR wavelength range from 350-2050 nm, the instrument will be dedicated to the study of transient and variable events with many Target of Opportunity requests expected. The goal of the SOXS Data Reduction pipeline is to use calibration data to remove all instrument signatures from the SOXS scientific data frames for each of the supported instrument modes, convert this data into physical units and deliver them with their associated error bars to the ESO Science Archive Facility (SAF) as Phase 3 compliant science data products, all within 30 minutes. The primary reduced product will be a detrended, wavelength and flux calibrated, telluric corrected 1D spectrum with UV-VIS + NIR arms stitched together. The pipeline will also generate Quality Control (QC) metrics to monitor telescope, instrument and detector health. The pipeline is written in Python 3 and has been built with an agile development philosophy that includes adaptive planning and evolutionary development. The pipeline is to be used by the SOXS consortium and the general user community that may want to perform tailored processing of SOXS data. Test driven development has been used throughout the build using ‘extreme’ mock data. We aim for the pipeline to be easy to install and extensively and clearly documented.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David R. Young, Marco Landoni, Stephen J. Smartt, Sergio Campana, Riccardo Claudi, Pietro Schipani, Matteo Aliverti, Andrea Baruffolo, Sagi Ben-Ami, Federico Biondi, Giulio Capasso, Rosario Cosentino, Francesco D'Alessio, Paolo D'Avanzo, Ofir Hershko, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Matteo Munari, Giuliano Pignata, Adam Rubin, Salvatore Scuderi, Fabrizio Vitali, Jani Achrén, José Antonio Araiza-Duran, Iair Arcavi, Anna Brucalassi, Rachel Bruch, Enrico Cappellaro, Mirko Colapietro, Massimo Della Valle, Marco De Pascale, Rosario Di Benedetto, Sergio D'Orsi, Avishay Gal-Yam, Matteo Genoni, Marcos Hernandez, Jari Kotilainen, Gianluca Li Causi, Seppo Mattila, Michael Rappaport, Kalyan Radhakrishnan, Davide Ricci, Marco Riva, Bernardo Salasnich, Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, Maximilian Stritzinger, and Héctor Ventura "The SOXS data-reduction pipeline", Proc. SPIE 11452, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VI, 114522D (13 December 2020); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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