22 May 2020 Scatter correction with deep learning approach for contrast enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CEDBT) in both cranio-caudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view
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Proceedings Volume 11513, 15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2020); 115130Q (2020)
Event: Fifteenth International Workshop on Breast Imaging, 2020, Leuven, Belgium
Dual energy contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CEDBT) uses weighted subtraction of two energy spectra to highlight tumor angiogenesis with uptake of iodinated contrast agent. The high energy scan contains more severe scatter radiation than regular low energy DBT. The purpose of this study is to develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) based scatter correction method for dual energy CEDBT in both craniocaudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view. Anthropomorphic digital breast phantoms with various glandularity and 3D shape were generated using the VICTRE software tool developed by the FDA. The pectoralis muscle layer was inserted into the phantoms for MLO view. Projection images with and without scatter radiation were simulated using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation code of VICTRE, meeting the prototype Siemens Mammomat Inspiration CEDBT system with 300 μm thick a-Se detector, 25 projections within 46-degree angular range. Scatter radiation ground truth was generated from MC simulated projection images to train CNN. Two separate U-net CNNs were trained to predict scatter radiation maps. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) was used as the loss function. The average MAPE of this method is less than 3 % from the ground truth of MC simulation. The proposed scatter correction method was then applied to clinical cases, demonstrating the reduction of cupping artifact and the improvement in contrast object conspicuity.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaoyu Duan, Pranjal Sahu, Hailiang Huang, and Wei Zhao "Scatter correction with deep learning approach for contrast enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CEDBT) in both cranio-caudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view", Proc. SPIE 11513, 15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2020), 115130Q (22 May 2020);
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Monte Carlo methods

Digital breast tomosynthesis

Dual energy imaging

Computer simulations

Imaging systems

Point spread functions

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