Recently, imec has installed and commissioned an industrial, ultrafast EUV materials characterization and lithography lab, imec’s AttoLab, with a primary aim to explore limits of photoresist performance and their associated ultrafast chemistries. Here, we demonstrate, for the first time, the use of a table-top, high-harmonic EUV system (KM Labs, XUUS4) to perform interference lithography of sub-22-nm pitch patterns in an Inpria MOx resist via a Lloyd’s mirror interference lithography (IL) tool. Analysis of SEM images enables us to identify potential sources of image blur, which we attribute to out-of-sync vibrations, flare, spectral purity, and laser stability. Nevertheless, these results confirm the ability of table-top, high-harmonic EUV sources to print lithographic patterns below a 22-nm pitch. In future work, we plan to investigate sub-20-nm patterning in different resist formulations, as well as expand the lithographic capabilities in AttoLab to perform IL on full 300-mm wafers.