30 January 1990 Application Of Plasma Diagnostic Techniques To Dry Etching Process Control
V. G. I. Deshmukh, T. I. Cox, A. J. Hydes, D. A. O. Hope
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Proceedings Volume 1185, Dry Processing for Submicrometer Lithography; (1990)
Event: 1989 Microelectronic Integrated Processing Conferences, 1989, Santa Clara, United States
In this paper, the background to a strategy for effecting real-time control of a dry etching process is discussed. The process chosen as the vehicle for the demonstration of the required control concepts is the reactive ion etching of organic polymer films in oxygen plasmas. The role of plasma diagnostic techniques in providing a specification of the etch process in terms of fundamental physical parameters is given. An example of their use is provided by considering the transference of an etching process between two markedly different etchers. Etch processes are also discussed as being representable as process response surfaces in a multidimensional space. The generation of these surfaces using response surface methodology and radial basis function approaches are described. Finally, a combination of plasma diagnostic methods and the parametric models is considered in the guise of a dynamic real-time control system for a dry etch process.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. G. I. Deshmukh, T. I. Cox, A. J. Hydes, and D. A. O. Hope "Application Of Plasma Diagnostic Techniques To Dry Etching Process Control", Proc. SPIE 1185, Dry Processing for Submicrometer Lithography, (30 January 1990);
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Dry etching

Reactive ion etching

Semiconducting wafers


Overview Of Dry-Etch Techniques
Proceedings of SPIE (August 20 1986)
Wafer charging in different types of plasma etchers
Proceedings of SPIE (February 01 1992)
Deep reactive ion etch conditioning recipe
Proceedings of SPIE (December 30 2003)

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