Igor Kinev,1 Igor Potemin,1 Andrei Lemeshev,1 Andrey Zhdanovhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-2569-1982,1 Ludmila Arhipova,2 Sergei Larionov,2 Dmitry Zhdanov1
1ITMO Univ. (Russian Federation) 2S. I. Vavilov State Optical Institute (Russian Federation)
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The paper considers a method for calculating the distribution of light radiation on the receiver caused by its scattering on the surfaces of an optical device. The calculation is based on the method of bidirectional stochastic ray tracing with photon maps. The proposed method is highly efficient due to the simultaneous use of the forward and backward photon maps that accumulate the distributions of light radiation and the visibility of the scattering elements correspondingly. Effective methods have been developed for the forming, storage, and access to photon maps, which provide not only high computational efficiency but also the ability to visualize the sources of stray light in optical devices. The efficiency of this method was demonstrated by examples of calculating stray light for several optical devices.
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Igor Kinev, Igor Potemin, Andrei Lemeshev, Andrey Zhdanov, Ludmila Arhipova, Sergei Larionov, Dmitry Zhdanov, "Use of the photon mapping methods for the optical systems stray light analysis," Proc. SPIE 11895, Optical Design and Testing XI, 118951H (9 October 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2601631