1 March 1990 Real Time Visual Tracking Of Targets In Six Dimensions
Peter M. Walsh, Larry Shawaga
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Proceedings Volume 1193, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VIII: Systems and Applications; (1990)
Event: 1989 Symposium on Visual Communications, Image Processing, and Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1989, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Six dimensional target information is produced by a target tracking vision system for use in real time target tracking by a robotic system. The vision system described in this paper produces three axes of position data and three axes of orientation data using a single camera which views a three dimensional target. The system performs target detection, target discrimination and determines the target position and orientation relative to the camera. As the target information is determined, it is communicated to a computer which is controlling the robot motion in real time. Details of the image processing algorithms and image processing hardware used in the vision system are discussed in the paper.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Peter M. Walsh and Larry Shawaga "Real Time Visual Tracking Of Targets In Six Dimensions", Proc. SPIE 1193, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VIII: Systems and Applications, (1 March 1990);
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Image processing


Computing systems

Robot vision

Imaging systems

Optical tracking

Robotic systems


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