1 March 1990 A Computational Model for Dynamic Vision
Saied Moezzi, Terry E. Weymouth
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Proceedings Volume 1198, Sensor Fusion II: Human and Machine Strategies; (1990)
Event: 1989 Symposium on Visual Communications, Image Processing, and Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1989, Philadelphia, PA, United States
This paper describes a novel computational model for dynamic vision which promises to be both powerful and robust. Furthermore the paradigm is ideal for an active vision system where camera vergence changes dynamically. Its basis is the retinotopically indexed object-centered encoding of the early visual information. Specifically, we use the relative distances of objects to a set of referents and encode this information in image registered maps. To illustrate the efficacy of the method, we have chosen to apply it to the problem of dynamic stereo vision. Integration of depth information over multiple frames obtained by a moving robot generally requires precise information about the relative camera position from frame to frame. Usually, this information can only be approximated. The method facilitates the integration of depth information without direct use or knowledge of camera motion.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Saied Moezzi and Terry E. Weymouth "A Computational Model for Dynamic Vision", Proc. SPIE 1198, Sensor Fusion II: Human and Machine Strategies, (1 March 1990); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Image processing

Image fusion

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Visual process modeling




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