18 February 2022 Design and research of logic gate based on photonic crystal self-collimation effect
Yule Xue, Yaqi Hu, Dongxing Meng
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Proceedings Volume 12162, International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCCE 2021); 1216203 (2022)
Event: 2021 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication, 2021, Guangzhou, China
Based on polarization independent optical splitters and beam splitters, a new logic gate design method based on self collimation effect is proposed. Using the characteristics of light self-collimation transmission in the photonic crystal, combined with the optical splitter, the optical path difference is introduced, so that the corresponding phase difference between the incident light is generated. It makes the light beam produce interference effect at the beam splitter converge, so as to realize the logic function of NOR gate, NAND gate and XOR gate. Simultaneously, the plane wave expansion method and the finite difference time domain method are used to simulate and analyze the logic gate in the TM polarization mode to verify its logic function. The analysis of the results shows that the logic gate designed by self-collimation effect and linear interference is compact, smaller in size, easy to manufacture, short in time response, high in transmittance, and more suitable for the development of optical integration.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yule Xue, Yaqi Hu, and Dongxing Meng "Design and research of logic gate based on photonic crystal self-collimation effect", Proc. SPIE 12162, International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCCE 2021), 1216203 (18 February 2022);
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Photonic crystals

Beam splitters


Logic devices

Signal detection


Finite-difference time-domain method


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