15 February 2022 Unwrapping-free Fourier panoramic single-pixel imaging
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Proceedings Volume 12166, Seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture and 2021 International Forum of Young Scientists on Advanced Optical Manufacturing (APCOM and YSAOM 2021); 121665Y (2022)
Event: Seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture and 2021 International Forum of Young Scientists on Advanced Optical Manufacturing (APCOM and YSAOM 2021), 2021, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Single-pixel imaging (SPI) is a novel imaging method, which can reconstruct the object information by a single-pixel detector with no spatial resolution. However, at present, the field of view (FOV) of SPI is limited to the illumination range of the projected patterns; thus, this technology cannot meet the imaging requirements of a large FOV or even 360° view in many vision-based fields. Therefore, in order to extend the illumination range of the projected pattern, as well as the FOV of SPI, here, we design an omnidirectional single-pixel imaging system (OSPIS) by adding a curved mirror, which can illuminate scenes with a 360° omnidirectional FOV. And, a retina-like annular pattern with log-polar structure is designed to match the geometry of the curved mirror. Further, to obtain the panoramic single-pixel images that are adapted to the human vision system, combing the imaging feature of SPI, an unwrapping-free Fourier panoramic singlepixel imaging (FFPSI) is proposed to remove the unwrapping process from the reconstructed omnidirectional images. The proposed FFPSI provides a new way for the application of SPI with large FOV, especially for real-time panoramic SPI.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Huan Cui, Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Dong Zhou, and Mingyuan Tang "Unwrapping-free Fourier panoramic single-pixel imaging", Proc. SPIE 12166, Seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture and 2021 International Forum of Young Scientists on Advanced Optical Manufacturing (APCOM and YSAOM 2021), 121665Y (15 February 2022);
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Panoramic photography


Imaging systems

Digital micromirror devices

Structural design

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