Presentation + Paper
26 August 2022 Achieving diffraction limited imaging with an Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope
Pierre-Marie Gori, Farrokh Vakili, Nolan Matthews, Jean-Pierre Rivet, William Guerin, Andrea Chiavassa, Mathilde Hugbart, Olivier Lai, Robin Kaiser
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We propose a method to transform a Cherenkov telescope, primarily designed for gamma-ray astronomy, into an imaging telescope at the diffraction limit of an equivalent astronomical telescope. The method can be applied onto existing and planned Cherenkov telescopes, both taken as a single dish or a set of such telescopes configured for aperture synthesis operating as intensity interferometers. We examine the sensitivity of our method by performing extensive numerical simulations including two and three point correlations, for amplitude and closure phase quantities permitting image reconstruction of stellar surfaces with subtle structures in the range of milli-arc-second resolutions. As a case of study we apply our method to a single 20m class Cherenkov telescope with the perspective of its generalization to the diluted Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) under construction in North and South hemispheres.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pierre-Marie Gori, Farrokh Vakili, Nolan Matthews, Jean-Pierre Rivet, William Guerin, Andrea Chiavassa, Mathilde Hugbart, Olivier Lai, and Robin Kaiser "Achieving diffraction limited imaging with an Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope", Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121831W (26 August 2022);
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Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes


Signal to noise ratio






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