MORFEO/MAORY is the post-focal adaptive optics instrument of the ELT. It is designed to provide the 53×53 arcsec field of view of MICADO with MCAO correction based on split-tomography, where the Low-Order modes are sensed by three NGS-based WFS. To maximize the sky-coverage the LO-WFS are 2×2 subapertures Shack- Hartmann sensors working in the H band, making use of the FREDA detectors. MAORY also implements 3 dedicated NGS-based truth sensors to measure at slow rate the true higher order atmospheric aberrations and to de-trend the LGS WFS measurements. These WFS work with the visible light of the NGS to feed a 10 × 10 SH sensor that makes use of the ALICE detector. Each unit of LOR WFS is provided with a couple of orthogonal linear stages to allow for the NGS acquisition in a 80 arcsec radius. The 3 LOR WFS are arranged at 120° geometry on a common support structure that rigidly connects them to MICADO and its rotator. In this paper we present the status of the LOR WFS Module at the output of the MORFEO preliminary design review. We focus on the optomechanical arrangement of the subsystem highlighting the design choices and the analyses we carried out to verify its compliance to the requirements. |