ASTRI-Horn is an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope developed by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), installed at the Serra La Nave Astronomical Station on Mount Etna (Italy). ASTRI-Horn detected the Crab proving the validity of its innovative camera and of the dual mirror configuration. Henceforth the telescope will play another important role. It will be the test bench for the upcoming cameras to be adopted for the ASTRI Mini-Array, a project led by INAF to build and operate an array of nine Cherenkov telescopes at the Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife, Spain). Moreover, the ASTRI-Horn camera will be used to test new technological solutions and explore innovative Cherenkov observation techniques. The Cherenkov camera uses Silicon-Photo Multiplier (SiPM) detectors. The fast front-end electronics implemented in the CITIROC ASIC is based on a custom peak-detector mode, which measures the electric pulses generated by the Cherenkov light flashes. The compact camera embeds all the components of a reliable thermal cooling system. This contribution gives a description of the upgrades of the ASTRI-Horn camera, which are the results of the lesson learnt during these years of sky observations. The improvements aim at correcting the drawbacks detected so far and at increasing the overall performance of the camera. The main ones are the increment of the power supplied to the photodetectors, the redesign of the Lids kinematic chain, a more efficient embedded calibration system, new control software routines and GUI.