The Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST), which is the telescope of the CCAT-prime project, will be located at 5600 m near the summit of Cerro Chajnantor in northern Chile, and will host the modular instrument called Prime-Cam. Two of the instrument modules in Prime-Cam will be a spectrometer with a resolving power of R ∼ 100 and populated with a detector array of several thousand KIDs (Kinetic Inductance Detectors). The main science goal of this spectrometer module, called EoR-Spec, is to probe the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) in the early universe using the Line Intensity Mapping (LIM) technique with the redshifted [CII] fine-structure line. This presentation provides an overview of the optical, mechanical, and spectral design of EoR-Spec, as well as of the detector array that will be used. The optical design consists of four silicon lenses that have anti-reflection metamaterial layers. A scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) will be located at the pupil and provides the spectral resolution over the full spectral coverage of 210 GHz to 420 GHz in two orders, resulting in a redshift coverage of the [CII] line from z = 3.5 to z = 8. The detector array consists of three subarrays of KIDs, two of which are tuned for the frequency range between 210 GHz and 315 GHz, and one that is tuned for the 315 GHz to 420 GHz range. The angular resolution will be between about 30′′ to 50′′. This presentation also addresses the spectral and spatial scanning strategy of EoR-Spec on FYST. EoR-Spec is expected to be installed into Prime-Cam about 1 year after first light of FYST.