Poster + Paper
31 August 2022 The Japan-United States Infrared Interferometry Experiment (JUStIInE): balloon-borne pathfinder for a space-based far-IR interferometer
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Conference Poster
The balloon-borne Japan-United States Infrared Interferometry Experiment (JUStIInE) is a pathfinder for the first space-based far-IR interferometer. JUStIInE will mature the system-level technology readiness of spatio-spectral far-IR interferometry and demonstrate this technique with scientific observations. Operating at wavelengths from 30 to 90 µm, JUStIInE will provide unprecedented sub-arcsecond angular resolution and spectroscopic data. Our plan is to develop a cryogenic Michelson beam combiner and integrate it with an existing and tested telescope optical system and gondola from the Japanese Far-infrared Interferometric Telescope Experiment (FITE). With two JUStIInE balloon flights we plan to collect, calibrate, analyze, and publish scientific results based on the first far-IR spatio-spectral observations of young stellar objects, evolved stars, and the active galactic nucleus of NGC 1068. The NASA Astrophysics Roadmap envisages a future in which interferometry is applied across the electromagnetic spectrum, starting in the far-infrared. The Far-IR Probe recommended in the 2021 Decadal Survey presents an opportunity to take that important step. A Far-IR Probe mission based on this concept will enable us to understand terrestrial planet formation and spectroscopically study individual distant galaxies to understand the astrophysical processes that govern their evolution.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David Leisawitz, Taro Matsuo, Gregory Mosby Jr., Peter Ade, Rachel Akeson, Dale Fixsen, Qian Gong, Hidehiro Kaneda, Stephen F. Maher, Lee G. Mundy, Shunsuke Ota, Gioia Rau, Elmer Sharp III, Toru Shimokawa, Johannes Staguhn, Carole Tucker, and Gerard van Belle "The Japan-United States Infrared Interferometry Experiment (JUStIInE): balloon-borne pathfinder for a space-based far-IR interferometer", Proc. SPIE 12190, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI, 121901G (31 August 2022);
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