26 October 2022 Compressed domain classification of remote sensing scene images based on sub-band data fusion
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Storing and processing Remote Sensing (RS) images require large amounts of memory space and computing resources. Consequently, RS images are compressed and stored in various compression formats, such as JPEG2000. However, the processing of RS images for machine interpretation and understanding still necessitates the deployment of an image decompression stage in its entirety, followed by a computationally demanding image analysis pipeline. The image analysis stage is commonly composed of machine learning techniques, such as Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) models. Classification of remote sensing images is among the most common image analysis tasks. In the scope of this paper, we propose a sub-band image based classification method for the Remote Sensing Scene Classification (RSSC) task in the JPEG2000 compressed domain. The proposed approach exploits the already available sub-band image coefficients to classify RS images without needing for full decompression. Our study shows that our method increases the high frequency information in the LL sub-band and allows the image to contain more detail, leading to improved classifier performance while taking advantage of the partial decompression method.
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Berk Arican , Erdem Safa Akkul, Levent Çarkacıoğlu, and Behçet Uğur Töreyin "Compressed domain classification of remote sensing scene images based on sub-band data fusion", Proc. SPIE 12267, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVIII, 122670A (26 October 2022);
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Remote sensing

Image compression

Image classification


Image fusion

Scene classification



Block-based embedded color image and video coding
Proceedings of SPIE (January 18 2004)
Experiments in JPEG 2000-based INTRA coding for H.26L
Proceedings of SPIE (June 23 2003)
Iterative rate-control technique for motion JPEG 2000
Proceedings of SPIE (November 21 2002)
Rate control for multisequence video streaming
Proceedings of SPIE (January 04 2002)
Advantages of motion-JPEG2000 in video processing
Proceedings of SPIE (January 04 2002)

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