The problem of forest fires is especially relevant for the North of the Baikal natural territory. The paper presents the results of studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of forest fires and their consequences for 2001-2019. in the basin of the Kichera River, located in the north of Buryatia, where the greatest loss of forest cover in the Republic over the past 20 years has been noted. The research was carried out using statistical materials from a number of international projects and open access databases specializing in the processing of satellite information about fires, as well as using our own calculations based on the interpretation of multi-zone satellite images. The results of the calculation in the GIS environment of the number of fires and the area of total loss of forest cover in the Kichera River basin for each year, as well as the results of their comparison are given. The most unfavorable years in terms of pyrogenic conditions were identified (2006, 2010, 2015, 2019). Inaccuracies in accounting for the loss of forest cover in open access databases are noted, associated with accounting for losses in the next year, and not the year corresponding to the fire. Based on multi-temporal Landsat-7-ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI images, based on the integration of the results of calculating two spectral indices NDVI and NBR, as well as their difference variations (dNDVI and dNBR), identification, mapping and determination of the area of burnt forest areas in the Kichera River basin were carried out for years with the highest flammability. The analysis revealed a clearly defined trend of an annual increase in the number of fires, primarily due to a decrease in precipitation, high temperatures and a decrease in the water level in Lake Baikal. It is noted that the role of the pyrogenic factor in the overall reduction of forest area in the Kichera River basin in some years exceeds 90%. An analysis of the spatial confinement of burnt forest areas makes it possible with a high degree of probability to assume a predominantly anthropogenic origin of fires.