1 July 1990 Nonlinear multiscale filtering using mathematical morphology
Aldo W. Morales, Raj S. Acharya
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Proceedings Volume 1247, Nonlinear Image Processing; (1990)
Event: Electronic Imaging: Advanced Devices and Systems, 1990, Santa Clara, CA, United States
Mathematical Morphology is a new branch of mathematics powerful enough to study some vision problems like multiscale filtering. Due to the fact morphological openings smooth the signal while preserving the edges, and using the three Matheron's axioms, an important result is obtained: morphological openings do not introduce additional zero-crossing as one moves to a coarser scales. With these results a multiscale filtering scheme is developed. The choice of the structuring element is constrained to the sub-space of convex, compact and homothetic ones. In this paper we will report a procedure for choosing the structuring element based on the pre-filtering effects of morphological openings and the subsequent detection of edges.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Aldo W. Morales and Raj S. Acharya "Nonlinear multiscale filtering using mathematical morphology", Proc. SPIE 1247, Nonlinear Image Processing, (1 July 1990);
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Binary data

Nonlinear filtering

Edge detection

Chemical elements

Nonlinear image processing

Statistical analysis

Image filtering


Fixed-point analysis of stack filters
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1990)
Precision of morphological estimation
Proceedings of SPIE (May 21 1993)
Analysis and extensions of soft morphological filters
Proceedings of SPIE (May 21 1993)

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