15 June 2023Advances in micro-gas chromatography with in-column infrared spectroscopic detection using sorbent-coated hyper-bounce ATR crystals for early warning applications
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We are developing a vapor detection platform that combines the mixture separation power of gas chromatography with the identification power of infrared spectroscopy. The gas chromatography column is implemented using a meandering channel (imprinted in a molded lid) with the bottom of the channel consisting of a germanium wafer where an infrared laser is introduced in order to perform ATR IR spectroscopy along several segments of the column. We overcome the relative insensitivity of the ATR method by exploiting multiple bounces along the ATR wafer, as well as coating the wafer with a thin film of sorbent which adsorbs and concentrates the analyte in the evanescent region at the surface of the wafer. A unique advantage of our technique is that we collect signal from multiple points along the GC column (including the beginning) for rapid response. This is a major milestone towards implementing a complete micro-gas chromatography sensor for rapid analysis of complex chemical mixtures. Such technology is very attractive for early warning applications in defense and environmental monitoring.
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Robert Furstenberg, Christopher J. Breshike, Tyler J. Huffman, Christopher A. Kendziora, R. Andrew McGill, "Advances in micro-gas chromatography with in-column infrared spectroscopic detection using sorbent-coated hyper-bounce ATR crystals for early warning applications," Proc. SPIE 12516, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies XV, 125160B (15 June 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2663840