Presentation + Paper
13 June 2023 Industry wide uncertainties in measuring key optical characteristics of HE laser components
Kristen Lynch, Jeff Ruckman
Author Affiliations +
AmeriCOM has partnered with the DoD Industrial Base and Sustainment (IBAS) to create a Defense Precision Optics Consortium (DPOC). This presentation reports on a project of interest to the DoD, that is being executed by the consortium. The DoD perception is that the extreme accuracy requirements and immaturity of some of the measurement techniques for HEL components have caused challenges and disruptions in the DoD HEL supply chain. The HEL supply chain is being asked to increase their rate capability and any problems with low manufacturing readiness levels are a disruption to the on-time delivery of systems to the warfighter. A gage repeatability and reproducibility study in a round robin format is being used to determine the industry wide uncertainties for measurements of key optical characteristics, such as coating and substrate absorption. Participating organizations will use their systems, built in-house or procured instruments, to measure components supplied.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kristen Lynch and Jeff Ruckman "Industry wide uncertainties in measuring key optical characteristics of HE laser components", Proc. SPIE 12518, Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XVII , 125180B (13 June 2023);
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Laser damage threshold

Optical testing

Optics manufacturing

Laser components

Measurement uncertainty


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