1 August 1990 High-quality character-generation method using contour representation
Katsuhiko Nishikawa, Satoshi Naoi
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Proceedings Volume 1258, Image Communications and Workstations; (1990)
Event: Electronic Imaging: Advanced Devices and Systems, 1990, Santa Clara, CA, United States
This paper presents a method to automatically obtain a contour representation of character patterns and rapidly generate high-quality characters of various sizes. Contour representation generates contour vectors and attribute data. The contour vectors are generated without losing information about the characters' shape. The attribute data is used to correct non-uniform widths of vertical and horizontal lines, which is often a problem when characters are transformed to lower resolution. The character generation step reproduces the characters using data obtained in the contour representation step. Since this method represents characters by contours, it does not require as much data. And since non-uniform line widths are corrected rapidly, the characters are of high quality.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Katsuhiko Nishikawa and Satoshi Naoi "High-quality character-generation method using contour representation", Proc. SPIE 1258, Image Communications and Workstations, (1 August 1990);
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Optical character recognition


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