Astronomical space telescopes to study astrophysical phenomena from the far ultraviolet (FUV) to the near infrared (NIR) will require mirror coatings with high reflectance over this entire spectral region. While coatings for the optical and NIR part of the spectrum are fairly well developed with proven performance, the FUV range has presented significant challenges, particularly below 120nm. Recent developments in electron-beam (e-Beam) generated plasma treatment in a SF6 environments has enabled the effective passivation of aluminum (Al) coatings for applications in the FUV, by native oxide removal and the formation of a AlF3 passivation layer which could be tuned to any desired AlF3 thickness. These results have been produced through a collaboration between the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The passivation experiments have been carried out using the Large Area Plasma Processing System (LAPPS) at NRL using bare aluminum samples and provided by the coating group at GSFC. This novel procedure has demonstrated improved Al mirrors with state-of-the-art FUV reflectivity (e.g. R=91% at 121.6nm). In this paper, we will be reporting on environmental testing, micro-roughness, as well as polarization studies of these E-beam treated samples. These characterizations are being done in order to advance the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for these Al+AlF3 mirror coatings produced at LAPPS. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate the promise of using this coating technology to deliver reflectance performance plus stability and uniformity over a large area for a future IR/O/UV space telescope observatory.