27 September 2023 FIREBall-2 UV balloon telescope in-flight calibration system
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The integration of a new calibration system into FIREBall-2 (Faint Intergalactic Redshifted Emission Balloon-2) allows in-flight calibration capability for the upcoming Fall 2023 flight. This system is made up of a calibration box that contains zinc and deuterium lamp sources, focusing optics, electronics, and sensors, and a fiber-fed calibration cap with an optical shutter mounted on the spectrograph tank. We discuss how the calibration cap is optimized to be evenly illuminated through nonsequential modeling for the near-UV (200-208nm). Then, we present the pre-flight performance testing results of the calibration system and their implications for in-flight measurements.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jessica S. Li, Nazende I. Kerkeser, Aafaque R. Khan, Simran Agarwal, Erika T. Hamden, David Schiminovich, Haeun Chung, Vincent Picouet, Drew Miles, Keri Hoadley, Ignacio Cevallos-Aleman, Harrison Bradley, Olivia Jones, D. Christopher Martin, Marty Crabill, Trenton Brendel, Shouleh Nikzad, Nicolas Bray, Johan Montel, Gillian Kyne, Zeren Lin, Philippe Balard, Patrick Blanchard, Charles-Antoine Chevrier, Alain Peus, Didier Vibert, Nicole Melso, and David Valls-Gabaud "FIREBall-2 UV balloon telescope in-flight calibration system", Proc. SPIE 12678, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXIII, 1267804 (27 September 2023);



Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet telescopes

Camera shutters

Emission wavelengths


MUSE instrument software
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