The Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Performance Assessment Tool Set (IPATS) is a primary tool for assessing INR performance of GOES-R series ABI images. IPATS assesses five INR metrics: navigation, channel-to-channel registration (CCR), frame-to-frame registration, within-frame registration, and swath-to-swath registration. It was discovered that CCR assessment results between Visible-Near-Infrared (VNIR) channels and Infrared (IR) channels exhibits an annual oscillation in the north-south (NS) direction and a diurnal oscillation in the east-west (EW) direction, with an amplitude of approximately 5 μrad and 2.5 μrad, respectively. However, differences of navigation assessment results between VNIR and IR channels do not exhibit the annual or diurnal oscillations observed in CCR results. This indicates that the observed oscillations are due to measurement errors. The characteristics of the oscillations imply that cloud shadows are a possible cause of these measurement errors. In this study, several methods are explored to minimize the impact of cloud shadows on VNIR to IR CCR assessments: a) assessment at landmark locations only; b) using navigation assessment results to filter CCR assessments; c) using the ABI clear-sky-ratio product as a cloud mask; and d) smaller CCR assessment windows. In this paper, each method and a combination of several methods are evaluated based on assessment accuracy and the number of successful assessments. The selected approach is then used to reprocess GOES-16 ABI CCR data to show reductions in the annual and diurnal measurement error oscillations.