Poster + Paper
20 October 2023 Optical centroidal efficiency and energy on rectangular pixel
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Conference Poster
High performance megapixel focal plane arrays with small pixels have been widely used in modern optical remote sensing, astronomical, and surveillance instruments. In the prediction models applied in the traditional instrument performance analysis, the image of a point source is assumed to fall on the center of a detector pixel. A geometrical image of a point source in the realistic optical system may actually fall on any position on the detector pixel because the sensor’s line-of-sight includes pointing errors and jitter. This traditional assumption may lead to an optimistic error, estimated at between 10% and 20%. We present the critical factors that impact the performance estimate in a realistic instrument design based on the prediction for the noise equivalent power (NEP). They are the optical centroid efficiency (OCE) and the ensquared energy, or more precisely, the energy on the rectangular detector pixel (EOD).
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marija Strojnik and Yaujen Wang "Optical centroidal efficiency and energy on rectangular pixel", Proc. SPIE 12686, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXXI, 126860S (20 October 2023);
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Staring arrays

Point spread functions


Energy efficiency

Image resolution

Design and modelling


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