3D mixed reality displays increase accessibility in personal transportation. Personalized Head-up Display (HUD) layouts and the provision of visual depth cues in the replay field can additionally increase safety and security by retaining the driver’s focus on the road. Current options for commercial displays fail to provide visual depth cues based on their optical system component arrangements. This work presents a compact mixed-reality volumetric display using virtual lenses, a 4K Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), a combiner, and fiber lasers. The generated mixed reality holographic head-up display aims to contextually enhance the user’s perception of the real world with additional information without presenting distractions such as wearable devices or small projections on the windshield. Hence, the optical assembly was designed to be compact such that optical lenses were mostly replaced with virtual Fresnel lenses and the algorithms were accelerated for real-time utilization. Additionally, the accuracy and precision of the replay field results were enhanced with the introduction of pigtailed fiber lasers to reduce speckles. This work has demonstrated 3D ultra-high-definition compact mixed reality holographic replay field results for various applications due to accuracy and precision.