1 August 1990 Microwave excitation of a XeCl laser without preionization
Hans Hermann Klingenberg, Frank Gekat, Gerhard Spindler
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Proceedings Volume 1278, Excimer Lasers and Applications II; (1990)
Event: The International Congress on Optical Science and Engineering, 1990, The Hague, Netherlands
Microwave discharges have been used to excite rare gas halide mixtures like XeC1. For the realization of microwave excited excimer lasers a minimum specific pump power density of 100 kW/cxn3 is needed. The resulting power requirements are of the order of one to ten mega- watts. This power has to be deposited in a discharge tube which is housed in a hollow waveguide. For these purposes, a WR-650 waveguide circuit was assembled. The pulsed microwave source was a magnetron transmitter with a frequency of 1.35 GHz, a pulsed power of 2.5 MW and a pulse length of 4 jis. The puise repetition frequency was 10 Hz. A double ridge waveguide coupling structure was designed using the cornputer code URMEL-T. This program is based on a finite difference discretization method for the Maxwell field equations to compute electromagnetic fields in waveguides and cavities. The laser gas mixture consisted of He/Xe/HC1 = 1000/1/0.2 at a total pressure of 1000 mbar. A laser pulse energy of 20 pJ with a pulse width of 65 ns (FWHM) was measured yielding a peak power of 300 W.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hans Hermann Klingenberg, Frank Gekat, and Gerhard Spindler "Microwave excitation of a XeCl laser without preionization", Proc. SPIE 1278, Excimer Lasers and Applications II, (1 August 1990); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Microwave radiation

Gas lasers


Excimer lasers

Pulsed laser operation

Medium wave



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