28 December 1977 Coherent Optical Processors For Ambiguity Function Display And One-Dimensional Correlation/Convolution Operations
Robert J. Marks II, John F. Walkup
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Proceedings Volume 0128, Effective Utilization of Optics in Radar Systems; (1977)
Event: Effect Utilization of Optics in Radar Systems, 1977, Huntsville, United States
This paper presents a tutorial overview of some recently developed coherent optical pro-cessing techniques for performing certain types of computations often encountered in radar signal processing applications. The processors described utilize two one-dimensional transparencies which represent the spatial analogs of temporal waveforms. These transparencies are commonly rotated 45° in opposite directions, and serve as the inputs to a coherent optical processor which performs a one-dimensional Fourier transform. For various orientations of the input transparencies, possible operations include a simultaneous range/Doppler display of the input's ambiguity function (for identical input transparencies) and a cross-ambiguity function display (for non-identical transparencies). One dimensional coherent correlations and convolutions can similarly be performed without the motion or Fourier transform encoding commonly required in conventional coherent processors. Sample experimental results are presented along with the basic theory.
© (1977) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert J. Marks II and John F. Walkup "Coherent Optical Processors For Ambiguity Function Display And One-Dimensional Correlation/Convolution Operations", Proc. SPIE 0128, Effective Utilization of Optics in Radar Systems, (28 December 1977);
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Signal processing

Fourier transforms

Radar signal processing

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