1 January 1991 Simple multidimensional quadratic extrapolation method for the correction of specific aberrations in lens systems
Jonathan Maxwell, Chris S. Hull
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Proceedings Volume 1354, 1990 Intl Lens Design Conf; (1991)
Event: 1990 International Lens Design Conference, 1990, Monterey, CA, United States
The need to achieve control of specific aberrations and to investigate the aberrational properties of lens systems has led to the development of an interactive design tool based on multi-dimensional quadratic extrapolation. A quadratic approximation to the non-linearly varying aberrations allows the step length of this differential correction technique to be extended and the underlying relationships between goups of constructional parameters and aberrations are revealed. Examples are given.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan Maxwell and Chris S. Hull "Simple multidimensional quadratic extrapolation method for the correction of specific aberrations in lens systems", Proc. SPIE 1354, 1990 Intl Lens Design Conf, (1 January 1991);
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Lens design

Chemical elements

Optimization (mathematics)

Control systems


Monochromatic aberrations

Optical design


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