1 January 1991 Distribution fiber FTTH/FTTC trial results and deployment strategies
John D. Coleman
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Proceedings Volume 1363, Fiber Optics in the Subscriber Loop; (1991)
Event: SPIE Microelectronic Interconnect and Integrated Processing Symposium, 1990, San Jose, United States
" Nothing is predictable!" It is nearly impossible to forecast day to day with any degree of certainty the stock market or the cost of energy so to predict the direction technology customer requirements and where regulatory and legislative decisions will ultimately lead the telecommunications industry is extremely difficult. But as they say the future waits for no one! Southwestern Bell Telephone (SWBT) has determined that single mode fiber is the preferred medium of choice in the network. SWBT''s initial analysis indicates that a fiber optic distribution network would reduce the provisioning and maintenance expense normally associated with today''s copper network. In addition a fiber based distribution network could be easily upgraded for the delivery of enhanced broadband services if required in the future. However SWBT does not plan to begin a general deployment of fiber into the distribution network until the initial first cost of a fiber deployment is equivalent to (or less than) the initial first cost of a copper deployment. In an effort to evaluate our initial assumptions SWBT has deployed three fiber optic field trials with a fourth trial planned to evaluate aerial rehabilitation. SWBT''s challenge is to move beyond the trial stage and identify architectures that are flexible enough to meet future service requirements and can be deployed for the equivalent first cost of copper. In these four trials SWBT is examining different fiber deployment alternatives an effort to identify those options which might satisfy these requirements. This paper details the information SWBT has obtained from our ongoing Fiber-to-the- Home (FTTH) and Fiber-to-the-Curb (FTTC) fiber field trials. The developing architectures technologies and ONU powering strategies are discussed as they impact the development of a SWBT fiber deployment strategy for the local loop.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John D. Coleman "Distribution fiber FTTH/FTTC trial results and deployment strategies", Proc. SPIE 1363, Fiber Optics in the Subscriber Loop, (1 January 1991);
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