1 December 1991 Comparison of image compression techniques for high quality based on properties of visual perception
V. Ralph Algazi, Todd Randall Reed
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The growing interest and importance of high quality imaging has several roots: Imaging and graphics, or more broadly multimedia, as the predominant means of man-machine interaction on computers, and the rapid maturing of advanced television technology. Because of their economic importance, proposed advanced television standards are being discussed and evaluated for rapid adoption. These advanced standards are based on well known image compression techniques, used for very low bit rate video communications as well. In this paper, we examine the expected improvement in image quality that advanced television and imaging techniques should bring about. We then examine and discuss the data compression techniques which are commonly used, to determine if they are capable of providing the achievable gain in quality, and to assess some of their limitations. We also discuss briefly the potential of these techniques for very high quality imaging and display applications, which extend beyond the range of existing and proposed television standards.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. Ralph Algazi and Todd Randall Reed "Comparison of image compression techniques for high quality based on properties of visual perception", Proc. SPIE 1567, Applications of Digital Image Processing XIV, (1 December 1991);
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Image quality


Image quality standards

Image resolution

Image compression


Optical resolution


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