1 February 1992 PC-based trending and analysis of floor vibration in sensitive fabrication areas
Jon E. Palm, Ben Middleton
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This paper describes a floor monitoring system utilizing a PC that continuously monitors very low levels of vibration and warns the user of possible " vibration contamination" that might result. The floor monitoring system designed by DataSignal Systems Inc. in Friendswood Texas is a complete package including special purpose microvelocity sensors signal conditioning and band specific velocity detection electronics analog-todigital sampling vibration spectrum analysis parameter trending alarming and archiving measurements. An IBM or compatible computer runs the systems software and displays the measured results. The computer can be installed in a convenient location for ease of use and maintenance. In order to maximize its effectiveness for alarms and ease of data display interpretation a VGA color monitor is a must. Since the system monitors facility vibration continuously the computer must be dedicated and not time shared. 2 . MEASURE MICRO-VIBRATION In many of todays high technology manufacturing facilities vibration can have a costly impact on the process and quality of an operation. This system can be set to alarm at vibration levels determined to be critical allowing an operator to take appropriate steps including date and time coding the process or even stopping the process. The system can also be used to establish limits for manufacturing operations in an adjoining facility that causes structure borne vibration to be transmitted to the vibration sensitive manufacturing area. Up to eight micro velocity sensor can be monitored simultaneously with results being displayed in a bar chart format on the computer screen. For detailed analysis purposes to help identify the source of vibration a narrowband FFT processor is used to display a vibration spectrum from a selected sensors output signal. The vibration spectrum analysis capability can be manually activated or be automatically acquired upon an alarm condition. 0819407577/92J$4. OO SPIE Vol. 1619 Vibration Control in Microelectronics Optics and Metrology (1991)1337
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jon E. Palm and Ben Middleton "PC-based trending and analysis of floor vibration in sensitive fabrication areas", Proc. SPIE 1619, Vibration Control in Microelectronics, Optics, and Metrology, (1 February 1992);
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