29 July 1992 Two-dimensional modeling of mechanical and thermal effects of high-power lasers on thin films
Edward S. Gaffney, R. A. Matthews, Anthony J. Smith
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Ktecb bas modified the 2-D thermomecbanical response code PRONTO-TFT to include a model of the interaction of laser energy with optical coatings and substrates. PRONTO-TFT is the 2-D successor to the 1-D PUFF-TFT response code for energy deposition in thin films. Both codes were developed by Ktech under sponsorship of the Air Force Phillips Laboratory. In this paper, we present the method used in PRONTO-TFT to calculate the laser energy deposition within an optical system and bow this computation is incorporated into the thermal and mechanical material models. Examples of high power laser interactions with optical systems are used to demonstrate the utility of the code.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Edward S. Gaffney, R. A. Matthews, and Anthony J. Smith "Two-dimensional modeling of mechanical and thermal effects of high-power lasers on thin films", Proc. SPIE 1624, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1991, (29 July 1992);
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High power lasers

Thermal effects

Thermal modeling

Thin films


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