The time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of myosin S1 covalently labeled with Eosin-5- maleimide and 1,5-I-AEDANS was measured in solution. Each probe was specifically attached at one SH-group on the S1. The two most reactive SH sites on the heavy chain of the myosin S1 were used. The fluorescence anisotropy was measured at different excitation wavelengths. In this way, several absorption moments were utilized, each having a distinct orientation in the frame of the dye. The orientations of the transition moments in the dyes were determined in a separate experiment using an angle resolved fluorescence depolarization experiment on dyes embedded in stretched matrices of PVA polymers. The anisotropy decay curves exhibit fast (<3 ns) and slow (> 100 ns) components. The slow decay components reflect the motion of the large protein molecules. The fast anisotropy decay are attributed to a fast, but restricted, motion of the bound dye relative to the protein as experiments on free dyes in solution reveal subnanosecond anisotropy decays. The anisotropy decays have been analyzed in terms of a model which describes the restricted motion of the dye molecule relative to the protein and the overall rotation of the dye-protein complex in solution. An important element in the model is the incorporation of the orientational distribution of the dye relative to the protein. The observed anisotropy decays were analyzed using a global target approach in which the experimental data obtained at different excitation wavelengths are fitted simultaneously to the theoretical model. It is important to note that the orientational distribution of the dye relative to the protein, as well as the rotational correlation times of the motions for a dye attached to a given binding site, are independent of the excitation wavelength used. This leads to a reduction in the number of independent parameters optimized by the nonlinear least squares procedure. The orientational distribution of the dye relative to the protein obtained in this way is particularly useful for the interpretation of fluorescence depolarization data obtained from labeled muscle fibers. Indeed, knowledge of the distribution function of a dye attached to a binding site of the S1 protein is a prerequisite for a probe-independent determination of the orientational distribution of the S1 proteins themselves in the muscle fiber.